IWT Latvian Open 2017 // Welcome
Latvian Racketlon federation is happy to confirm - we are fully prepared to host 3rd International event in Riga "IWT Latvian Open 2017", so please look at general info:
Registration at Tournament Desk:
from 11:00 on Friday, July 7
Start of Tournament:
12:00, please check your game schedule ONCE MORE at:
NB!!! Women/Men B groups will start to play on Friday!!!
Thursday - tennis club ENRI providing 20% discount from list price
Friday - from 11:00 all courts available for practice
Online TV:
Saturday/Sunday - Live Stream Television for all Central Courts (4 cameras/each sport) will be available for viewing at fokuss.tv
...and we hope you have already sent us your arrival details - letting us show to you our hospitality...
Zigmars Puikevics
Tournament Director
IWT Latvian Open 2017